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澳门新葡京博彩区(ACD)和德州A&圣安东尼奥大学 (TAMU-SA) today announced an expanded transfer agreement that will allow eligible students to start at any of the five 阿拉莫大学 and seamlessly transfer to TAMU-SA to complete a four-year degree while having educational costs covered at both institutions.

The Promise-to-Promise partnership will also allow for automatic admission from ACD to TAMU-SA.

AlamoPROMISE is a program that provides tuition-free college education at one of the five 阿拉莫大学 to 20 school districts and partners, 包括圣安东尼奥地区的73所高中和项目, 同时也是私人的, 宪章, 以及贝尔县的家庭学校.

TAMU-SA的 捷豹的承诺 该项目是一项转型倡议,提供免费学费, 费用, 符合条件的一年级和转学生每学期有300美元的书费.  

“The Promise-to-Promise partnership between ACD and TAMU-SA is a testament to our shared commitment to making higher education accessible for all students,”医生说。. 麦克·弗洛雷斯,澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. "By providing more seamless transfer pathways and covering educational costs at both institutions, we are removing financial barriers and opening doors for our students to achieve their academic and career goals."

The expanded transfer agreement between ACD and TAMU-SA builds upon an agreement signed in Fall 2019 that established a formal transfer partnership between the two institutions.

The Promise-to-Promise partnership is just one component of a strategy developed by ACD and TAMU-SA to provide students with a more seamless transfer pathway between the two institutions.


  • Jag Path Program: For first-year students applying to TAMU-SA who may not qualify for direct admission. 学生 who accept the Jag Path Program offer are dually accepted to ACD for the fall term without completing an application to ACD.
  • Jag为ACD学生:在秋季或春季学期申请的ACD学生, 还在上其他学院/大学吗, 表示有意在非洲发展委员会第一个任期结束前转到非洲发展联盟, 注册60个学分. 
  • Seamless Three Tier Transfer Program: For high school students from identified ISDs who complete dual enrollment with ACD, 获得教学副学士学位或文科/理科副学士学位, 并被TAMU-SA录取,完成他们的教育学士学位, 儿童发展, 或者另一个商定的轨道.

澳门新葡京博彩的转学生 Aubri Lalinde will be among the first eligible students admitted to TAMUSA under the newest Promise-to-Promise program. She is a first-generation college student who recently graduated from 帕洛阿尔托学院 with an Associate of Arts in Business Administration. 

拉林德说,当她得知“承诺到承诺”计划时,她非常激动, 以此来继续她的教育,帮助她和她的儿子创造一个更好的未来.

“德州&圣安东尼奥大学 and our great partners in the 阿拉莫大学 share a mission of service to students and to our community. The Promise-to-Promise partnership is a product of our mutual commitment to opening as many pathways and points of entry for students as possible to put their academic goals within reach,德州A说&圣安东尼奥大学校长Salvador Hector Ochoa说.

“A&m -圣安东尼奥是一个地方,访问满足机会,并与承诺到承诺, 我们正在消除经济和程序上的障碍,让这些学生, 是我们在澳门新葡京博彩的同事们精心准备的吗, 能否获得四年制大学提供的教育机会.”

关于 75% of 阿拉莫大学 students transfer to four-year universities to complete their degrees. During academic year 2023, 2,007 students transferred from the 阿拉莫大学 and enrolled at TAMUSA.

在过去的五年里, approximately 83% of the students who transferred to TAMU-SA were affiliated with 阿拉莫大学. 

The new Promise-to-Promise partnership strengthens the collaborative student support system across the partnering institutions. It will ultimately help thousands of students save money and reduce the time it takes to complete a bachelor’s degree.

这是澳门新葡京博彩第二次扩大合作伙伴关系. In 2022, ACD established a similar partnership with the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥’s Bold Promise Program. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 阿拉莫.edu/tamusa.


澳门新葡京博彩区, high quality education and affordable costs provide exceptional value to students and alumni who are major contributors to the economy and culture of the community.


作为一所独立的大学,得克萨斯大学于2009年成立&圣安东尼奥大学 is a comprehensive four-year public university that reflects the culturally diverse, 它所服务的社区遗产丰富.

位于圣安东尼奥南部,占地近700英亩, 大学提供39个本科学位和23个研究生学位,共计约7个,620名学生.

A&m -圣安东尼奥是亨利G. 西斯内罗斯新兴领袖研究所, 网络工程技术/网络安全研究中心, 以及梅斯体验式学习和社区参与中心.

The University holds the Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) designation and is one of 39 higher education institutions in the U.S. 已收到 卓越之印 由卓越教育组织颁发的支持拉丁裔学生成功的证书. 超过77%的A&M-SA学生被认为是西班牙裔, 大约72%的人是家里第一个上大学的人.

A&M-圣安东尼奥 is a military-embracing institution; the University was recently awarded the 2023 Gold Veteran Education Excellence Recognition Award (VEERA) from the Texas 退伍军人 Commission. 访问 了解更多信息. # onamission